[review] Eon by Alison Goodman


Hey everyone this is Meghan from Coffee & Wizards. Today I’m here to talk about Eon: Dragoneye Reborn by Allison Goodman. This book was recommended to me by various book bloggers, including Amy at Tripping over Books.

It has all the best elements of fantasy. There’s a ton of adventure. The world-building is super fantastic. There’s language and myths and history that has been rewritten and all of the awesome thing that need to go into world-building.

Plus the characters are, like, amazing would be the easiest way to say it. You’ve got the main character, Eon, who is a sixteen year old girl pretending to be a twelve year old boy, but the thing is she’s been pretending to be a boy for so long that really she feels more like a boy than she feels like a girl. Throughout reading this book, I never thought of Eon as a girl. She was always a boy for me, and that was just really, really interesting to have a main character dealing with that is just something I don’t think you often see outside of the LGBTQ genre. So to have it be a main part of a fantasy novel was just wonderful, and just a great introduction to the genre for those who are maybe wanting to read more about gender politics but aren’t really sure how to get into it.

Another character that I really enjoyed was Lady Dela. Lady Dela is this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful courtesan, and she was originally a man. More than that, she talks about being two-spirited, so that’s something that you find in a lot of Native cultures, and it’s actually really celebrated in Native cultures, as it is in Lady Dela’s original culture. And then there’s also a guard who I really enjoy. This one special kind of guard in the story no longer have their genitalia. And he is like one of the manliest men in the story, so there’s this whole idea of what really makes you a man or a woman or if anything makes you a man or a woman. Who decides who you are and what you are and what does it mean to be that? And all of this is just one small part of a deeper story.

It’s just a wonderful, wonderful story. I fully recommend it.

If you have read Eon or any of Allison Goodman’s other stories, I would love to discuss them with you down below. Let me know what you thought about it. Let me know if you haven’t read the books and if you are now planning to; I hope so. You can find all my contact stuff down below. Thanks for listening, guys. Bye.

Don’t just take my word for it!

“Definitely recommended to fantasy fans.” – April @ Good Books and Good Wine

“Alison Goodman creates an unforgettable world, a flawed but incredible heroine and tells a magical, wonderful story.” – Alexa Loves Books

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About megtao

Student. Writer. Nerdfighter. Fights for love, justice, and awesome.
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1 Response to [review] Eon by Alison Goodman

  1. I have this book and the sequel sitting on my shelf staring at me. They’ve been there forever and I really need to read them! I love all the issues they touch on and they seem so perfect to add to my LGBTQ list.

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