[Fantastic Five Friday] Five Characters That Everyone Seems To Love, but I Don’t Really Care For

Fantastic Five Friday is a new weekly meme hosted by Anna at The Weekly Enthusiast. You can take part even if you don’t have your own blog: just comment on her FFF post of the week!

 Five Characters That Everyone Seems To Love, But I Don’t Really Care For

5. Piper Halliwell from Charmed

I’ve always found Piper kind of…boring. It’s getting a little bit better now that I’m watching the earlier seasons before Piper become the responsible oldest sister, but I still don’t fully understand the major Piper love.

4. Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender

I know…disliking the title character of a show doesn’t really work out. But, he’s just so…goofy. I mean, I don’t hate him, but I definitely don’t understand the Aang love. Also, I totally don’t understand Kataang. At all.


3. Ross Geller from FRIENDS

And yet, Mr. Ross Geller, you do irritate me. Like, you can be funny, but most of the time you just annoy me. I can’t explain it. I’m sorry.



2. Bill Compton from True Blood

My main issue with him is that he’s not Eric Northman. Also, he’s too serious. I know. I love serious. But he is too much.

1. Nick Miller from The New Girl

This guy is sort of kind of the love interest of the show, and I don’t get why. Sure, sometimes he can have moments of adorableness, but mostly I find him annoying, clingy, and overly hairy…

About megtao

Student. Writer. Nerdfighter. Fights for love, justice, and awesome.
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16 Responses to [Fantastic Five Friday] Five Characters That Everyone Seems To Love, but I Don’t Really Care For

  1. Ugh I don’t like Bill either! Eric Northman all the way! *swoon*

  2. Totally agree with you on Ross. Most of the time I just want to tell him to shut up.

  3. Elizabeth R says:

    I love Bill, especially the way he says “Sookie”. I agree about Ross, he has his moments and others times he can be annoying.

  4. BAHAHAH!! So, ok. Ross was funny, but I can see why he irritates you. Bill Compton is BLAH FOREVER because Eric Northman is my favorite Viking. Aang I kind of love because he’s a kid and I can appreciate his childlike behavior. OBVS Makorra is my OTP of that whole world, though. Nick Miller, though, I basically adore. I pretty much love everyone on that show. But we can still be bffs, right? Or will Nick Miller come between us?!? 🙂

  5. Candice says:

    “Bill Compton from True Blood. My main issue with him is that he’s not Eric Northman.” And I laughed, and I laughed, and I laughed….

  6. I can’t stand Bill! I always get weird stares from my coworkers when I say this.

  7. Tamara says:

    D: Piper is my spirit animal. I loved her more at the beginning of the series – she’s so sweet and innocent, and… and… I don’t know. I just wanted to be her soooo much, I even used to cut a fringe like her <333333

  8. Ross is definitely the most annoying and not funny character on Friends.

    And I get the not LOVING Aang thing. His goofiness doesn’t annoy me, and he had his moments in the series where I admired him. But there are other characters I love way more on the show: Zuko, Sokka, and Uncle 🙂

    How freaking awesome is Legend of Korra?!?! The animation is gorgeous. I freaking love the steampunk elements. The plot is fascinating. And the characters are definitely starting to grow on me.

    Lauren @ Hughes Reviews

    • megtao says:

      I’m currently waiting for the newest Korra episode to go up on Nick. And by waiting I mean throwing things across my room in impatience.

  9. I always liked Piper, and part of the reason was because I always felt like she was the character no one else would be very interested in. But you’re right, she was a bit of a downer when she became the big sister.

    You’ve just reminded me that I still haven’t watched the final season of Charmed, even though I bought it as soon as it was available! (My favourites are the Cole ones, especially the first season he was in. Did you know Julian McMahon is the son of one our previous prime ministers? Little factoid only interesting to Australians I bet!)

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